" The Great Fairy "

I made a Great Fairy inspired character based from The Legend of Zelda !
This is the second Image of this series.
My friend Denisse was the lovely model for this and she nailed it !
With the help of my cool friend Jerick, there's a video linked below featuring behind the scenes of this photoshoot.
With the help of my cool friend Jerick, there's a video linked below featuring behind the scenes of this photoshoot.
Dennise was the cutest and best model appropriate for this fairy-inspired character and I can't thank her enough <3
First of all, I will share a few images of how I made the gold floral crown.
I got this bold-looking black wire from school to hang work but then I was told it wasn't necessary to use so I took it home, made it into a halo and bought fake flowers and done !
I used hot glue and goldish string to put it all together

And finally, I used gold spray paint and a matte finish.
And done.
I also made dennise wear a wig, thought her hair would even make it into character but she decided to keep the wig on and I guess it worked better than I thought !
More photos from the shoot:
Jerick filming
Scanned Instant film
And that's about it for our little adventure
Muchos Thankyous to Jerick for putting together this video for the behind the scenes
Enjoy !
Or watch it on youtube here:
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