" The Journey Begins "

Image number one of this long-term series I'm starting based on a mix of a fantasy world + a variable medieval feel to it. 
There's a lot to say about how I came to start this series or even came to think of it.
Art has been a huge part of my life and I've always associated it with movies, video games and music I grew up with.

I've always been fascinated by fantasy and just about anything science fiction and I can say about 80% of my work is greatly inspired by it and it's something I'll never stop doing.

This past winter break was hard yet a good stage for me because I got tired of my work. I got tired of looking at what I've done so far and not feeling 100% creative and feeling like I didn't fit into any of the styles I was trying all this time. I started taking photos of zoo animals to lifestyle to self-portraits and creative portraits etc. I can say i'm happy where I'm standing because that's the special thing about art, it's a very personal journey and I think everything you do, good or bad, is perfectly fine and you gotta do what you gotta do to get to the point where it just clicks and makes you realize there's nothing to worry about because you'll eventually end up doing what moves you.
I've put my camera down for a while and picked up the pencil and brush more and tried harder to find my style and voice in the painting world. 

After a couple talks with myself and other people regarding my lack of motivation in the photo world I finally realized I could've been doing this all this time. Anything involving games, movies and all that fantasy-related shenanigans have always been so present I came to ask myself why not? 

I'll go more into detail laters as I post more work about this series but, all I can say is I never know, I never know how this is gonna end up looking like but I have a good feeling about this !

Now back to photos.
My friend Alexa helped me out on this first one and she was great as always !

I named this photo " The Journey Begins " after reading the first couple pages from my " 3-Minute J.R.R. Tolkien " book on the section about his birth titled "The Journey Begins " and I felt like it was the perfect name for a good start. 

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