" Demon Days " Self-portrait ~

How do I even start explaining how wierd I am~ 
So,  once again, welcome to my strange little world~
I don't have an original sketch for this particular photo because it was what I call a " happy accident ".

This weekend has been really loaded with stress, I still have to work on my presentation that's due Monday, but as always~ I tend to stress myself and go overboard on whatever I need to turn in for school. So I planned on making another photo for my photography homework, which I had planned and even have a sketch for it. I worked SOOO hard for that, but I lost the magic and decided to work on it some other day.
The only image that was an accident that I liked was this : 

It's obviously not finished, and like I said, I lost the magic, I worked so hard on it. And the cool part about it was that Jimmy ( my bird ) randomly decided to rest on my arm for a few seconds and managed to get a photo of it. I was so grateful he made it look way better, but it wasn't what I was looking for. It;s still wierd, huh ? 

Anyway, I got rid of that and I didn''t know what to do. So I knew I still wanted to do something with a fox mask I had ordered on Amazon for a while now. What could go wrong ?
I was still in doubt and told myself I would do another photo this weekend. I had to, I had stuff to turn in on Monday~
So i've been playing Bioshock recently and for those of you who know what "Splicers" are, they all wear cool-looking masks, so I was like " I think I use lots of masks in my work, playing Bioshock was definitely a sign !" 
I guess it was time to take out my super-special-awesome fox mask and let the magic begin. and the wierd part I guess is that i'm actually presenting this infront of my class on Monday, so ugh, I feel i'm gonna be the only wierdo taking wierd selfies.

"Demon Days" was inspired by two things:

Because he inspired me to express myself with photography, showing people what's inside my head might be strange, but hey, it's far more important to understand things you don't see on your everyday life.

And Gorillaz. , yeah, the band. ( also the name of an album )
Mostly because of Noodle's grown-up version wearing the japanese fox mask on the "On Melancholy Hill" video

I had this idea for while now but it was a different concept. Totally different, this photo was a " happy accident ".
So what I decided to do was to start a mini series featuring my fox mask. I'll explain details later, but, because of all of this randomness, I decided to start a mini series, and i'm happy I thought of it because I really want to make a small book about it to show people around ! It'll be fun.

So I guess that's it, I hope you enjoyed my little blog post today, it was way longer than expected, but at least you know where these ideas came from. It was hard and challenging, but it's worth it in the end. 
And I also want to thank my friends Alexa and Laura for helping me on the my "leafy" idea !


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