" The Great Fairy "

[ CLICK BEFORE YOU SCROLL DOWN ] vvvvvvvvvvv _____________________________________________________________ I made a Great Fairy inspired character based from The Legend of Zelda ! This is the second Image of this series. My friend Denisse was the lovely model for this and she nailed it ! With the help of my cool friend Jerick, there's a video linked below featuring behind the scenes of this photoshoot. Dennise was the cutest and best model appropriate for this fairy-inspired character and I can't thank her enough <3 First of all, I will share a few images of how I made the gold floral crown. I got this bold-looking black wire from school to hang work but then I was told it wasn't necessary to use so I took it home, made it into a halo and bought fake flowers and done ! I used hot glue and goldish string to put it all together ...