Ivan playing guitar at Mt. Laguna

Ivan is my sp qt boyfriend who happens to be a classical guitarist with so much potential and dedication. He practices non stop and I have been lucky enough to see him progress over the few years since he started learning about technique and such. This idea started out because he got his guitar custom-built by Len Laviolette . We did a photoshoot for the first time back in October [ See first blogpost HERE ] It was successful at one point but, I still felt like I wasn't quite there and I needed to step up my game. So, this time I wanted to shoot outside my comfort zone so, I chose to go shoot at Mt. Laguna ! Jerick was kind enough to drive us and assist so pats for him !! I must say it was so much fun, we managed to get through even though it wasn't my favorite time to shoot ( noonish cause the sun, ugh, you photogs out there feel me. ) I'm happy with the outcome and I must say he's not a bad model, hit him up for modeling services eyyyyyy~ ...