Kitsune's Shadow

My friend Jerick Carino and I collabed on a cool video based on my fox mask with a japanese sword fight scene feel ! We filmed this at a train yard by Harbor Dr. in National City. We had thought of doing a photoshoot for funzies but then he came up with filming a video for reals. He came up with the storyboard, the sword fight, everything was his idea and it went quite well ! Watch me act terribly being my favorite character ever We hope to collab on more videos soon ! Enjoy ! ( If video is too small for you to view, click on the link below and it shall take you to Jerick's youtube channel for a better view. thank you ! ) vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Link ----------> Kitsune's Shadow Also, enjoy some cool photography by Jerick Carino ! Stills from the video ...